How many employees can it handle?
TACT can handle an unlimited number of employees. The employee ID is up to 6 alphanumeric characters so you can keep your employees in alphabetical order.
How many jobs, tasks and rates can it handle in one week’s payroll?
You can have any number of jobs, tasks and rates for the same employee in the same week. There is no limit to how much detail you can enter into payroll.
Can it handle prevailing wage jobs - if so, how easy is it?
You can set up as many special rates for each job as are required. Each rate is associated with the type of work the employee is performing. TACT automatically calculates the proper rate to put in their paycheck by using their apprentice percent and benefits you are already providing them.
Can it handle pension plans, prevailing wage plans, 401K plans, pre-tax deductions?
TactWorks has worked closely with several providers of prevailing wage plans so that TACT can automatically calculate the best rate for your needs. You can select from several plans including those that maximize the benefit to the employer. TACT handles straight 401K plans with percentage or fixed deduction amounts. It also handles matching contributions from the employer and even handles the newest 401K-Prevailing Wage combination plans offered.
Does it produce a clear report for the worker’s compensation auditor?
TACT includes a Worker’s Compensation report that shows both the hours and pay in any given period for each employee, grouped by WC classification. It also shows the total sales and subcontracted amounts. It adjusts for overtime and double-time wages paid.
How flexible is it in assigning worker’s comp classifications?
Up to four default WC classes can be assigned to each employee. The WC class can also be overridden at the time you enter the payroll if you need more. The WC class can be changed at any time, even after payroll checks are printed and you posted to the General Ledger. If, after printing the Workman’s Comp report, you realize that you have put an employee in the wrong classification, you can easily change the classification for the entire period for that employee (or all employees in one class) and print the report again.
Does it produce all the mandatory reporting required for state and federal jobs?
TACT produces both Federal and CT State Certified Payroll forms including the compliance pages. It also produces the Monthly Utilization Form for one or all projects for any period. These forms are available in both dot matrix and laser formats.
What happens if I make a mistake when entering the payroll - how easy is it to correct?
Until you print the payroll check, everything you enter in payroll can be changed. You can delete entries, add more entries, correct hours, jobs, rates, etc. You can override the taxes calculated and change the deductions. After the check is printed, you can still change the job, task, GL number, WC class, union local - anything that doesn’t change the rate or hours on the screen. Even after posting to the General Ledger you can still change WC class and union local, if necessary.
Can I get one paycheck out in a hurry for layoffs, etc?
Producing a single check in TACT is as simple as pushing a button. Even if you have already entered everyone else’s detail, you can process and print just one employee’s check. You can then ask for a tax deposit check that includes this employee’s taxes with the rest of the payroll.
Does it handle my union requirements?
TACT allows you to define up to 10 union funds along with their formulas. You can base the fees on all hours, regular, OT and DT hours separately or gross pay. Reports are printed by union local showing all the funds and the calculation for each fee.
Can I get detailed labor distribution and burden reports?
Detailed labor distribution and overhead figures are available forever. TACT keeps all detail until you choose to purge it (maybe after two or three years). TACT shows you how much you paid in benefits, taxes and worker’s comp insurance for each employee on each job. You can get a labor distribution for all employees for a job or for all jobs for an employee.
Can I track benefits such as vacation and sick time?
TACT has four special "jobs" that it tracks in the system and shows on the employee’s pay stub. These are vacation, holiday, sick time and other absences. You can track the time even if you do not pay the employee for the time missed. You can get detailed reports at any time of the employee’s attendance. You can also have TACT automatically accrue vacation and sick time by the week.
Can I give reimbursements in their paycheck?
Reimbursements can be charged to jobs and included in the employee’s paycheck or you can cut them a separate check if you prefer. TACT also handles piecework, other income and a variable income that you can name.
Does it handle multi-state payroll in the same week for the same employee?
TACT can handle any number of states for any employees in the same week and will calculate the proper withholding for each state. It tracks year-to-date for each state for unemployment as well.
Does it provide information for unemployment claims?
You can get a list of all paychecks for any period for any employee with totals. You can also print an unemployment report that will show the checks between any two dates and show which weeks the employee worked and which ones he didn’t.
Do I get history on my employees of raises, layoffs, warnings, injuries, etc?
TACT automatically makes a history entry any time an employee’s rate or status changes. You can also add any kind of entry you would like directly into history. Employee history may be viewed on the screen or printed with the touch of a button. History is also automatically written whenever an employee takes a day off and whenever the employee’s benefits change.
What does the payroll stub tell my employees?
TACT’s pay stubs include this week and year-to-date on regular, OT and DT pay, salary, other income, variable income, piecework, vacation, holiday, sick pay, other absences, all deductions, gross and net pay. In addition it shows how much went into a benefit plan for the week. The also show how many hours were paid at each different rate.
Does it provide all of the weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reporting required by the government?
With one selection you can print 940, 941, Daily liability (schedule B), State Unemployment, State Withholding, a tax liability summary and tax deposits for a quarter or for the year. Tax deposit checks can be produced weekly or monthly automatically.
How long can I keep the detail of payroll on the computer?
TACT never deletes anything automatically. You can keep the detail as long as you like. TACT uses indexes to jump to all your data so it doesn’t slow the system down to keep the data.
Does it handle EFT and Direct Deposit?
TACT can automatically make a "hand-written" entry in your cash file for your Electronic Funds Transfer. It also shows you all the entries you need to punch into the phone to make the transfer. TACT allows you to define partial or full net deposits to both checking and savings accounts and automatically prints a report showing the bank information and amount of the deposits for each employee. It also creates type 6 ACH records that can be used by banking software such as PC Banking.
Can I change an employee’s ID after it has been used?
You can change an employee’s ID at any time and the system will automatically change it everywhere in the system that it has been used.
Does is track benefits that I pay to my employees?
You tell TACT how many hours that each employee gets for vacation, sick time and holidays. You also enter any other benefits you are providing such as insurance, training, 401(k) matching amounts, etc. TACT then calculates the amount per hour that you are giving to your employees in benefits. This amount is charged to jobcost whenever and employee works on a job and is also subtracted from the prevailing wage rate.